Essay Question

:Compare the advertisement of a local brand in different language editions and demonstrate how semiotics can reveal the differences and similarities between them.

Monday, 22 June 2015

# 8 Guiding question to frame analysis

After did some research through the past few weeks, I decided to do a checklist that refer to some specialist sites that might be useful for my advertisement analysis.

Key terms

  •         Signifier and Signified
  •         Symbolic, Iconic and Indexical
  •         Connotation and Denotation
  •         Paradigm and Syntagm
  •         Myth
  •         Intertextuality
  •         Binary Opposition (Will be revealed in the next post)

Guiding question to frame analysis

  •     What are the signifier, signified and symbol that appear in the advertisement?
  •     What are the connotative and denotative meanings of the signs that used in the advertisement?
  •     How is linguistic used in the advertisement?
  •     What language devices offer information or create some expect for emotional response?
  •     Does the advertisement exploit metaphor? Metonymy[1]? Repetition? Alliteration? Comparison? Contrast? Definitions?
  •     What evidence of myth can be found in the advertisement?
  •     What are the main visual images? How are they depict and what do they symbolize?
  •     What product or service is being advertised?
  •     What pragmatic strategies are being exploited?  
  •     How is the consumer positioned in relation to the text? Are specific gender roles projected onto the consumer through the discourse of the advertisement?


[1] This kind of sign is something associated with something else, that then represent that something else. Thus, in a postcard example baby associated with the notion of future, and the baby is thus a metronomic sign. (Rose, 2007)


Taylor & Francis (2009). 'Language and Power: A Resource Book for Studens' pp.140-141 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22nd of June 2015]

Rose, G. (2007). 'Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials' pp. 80-81 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20th of June 2015]

Sources & Futher Reading:

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